Hello everybody... I am Anuja Arosha Piyadigama (AnujAroshA). This is my fancy web site :-) This site is all about me. From the design to the development and the information included here is about me & myself.
If you like to know about my personal details, you have to click on the first icon in the bottom menu.
If you click on the second icon in the bottom menu, you will be redirect to a web page which describe my achievements and talents.
To keep in touch with me, with other networks, click on the small icons hanging on both right and left side.
To know about my academic work during my University period, you have to visit "Uni Projects" page by clciking the first right icon after my logo.
Finally, if you feel tired by reading all about me, you can see some cool pictures in the Gallery option which is the last icon in the bottom menu bar ;-)